Advent Art Prayer 15

God of Faith,

You give us the gift of faith - a faith you keep forever.

It isn’t something we have earned.

It is rather, your generosity, spilling over into our lives.

You give us the earth, the sea, and the heavens.

You give.

May your gift of faith flood our hearts and minds.

May we recognize it and put it into action.

Help us work to ensure that all people know of this great gift - that imprisoned hearts may be set free.

Help us be your hands and feet and mouths working for justice for the oppressed.

Help us be your manna, feeding the hungry.

These are not easy tasks, but you set an example for us.

Strengthen our faith and move us to action. Move us to love and care for your people.


Psalm 146: 5-10

(Adapted from the NRSV)

Happy are those who look to the God of Jacob for help, whose hope is in the Lord their God.

The God who made heaven and earth and the sea, and all that is in them.

The God who keeps faith forever.

The God who executes justice for the oppressed.

The God who gives food to the hungry.

The Lord sets the prisoners free.

The Lord opens the eyes of the blind.

The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down.

The Lord loves the righteous.

The Lord watches over the strangers.

God holds tightly the orphan and widow,

But brings ruin to the ways of the wicked.

The Lord will reign forever, your God, O Zion,

For all generations. Praise the Lord!

Practice Deeper Listening


Strengthen my faith


Move me to action


Move me to love


And care for your people

For Deeper Listening

If you have been thinking about ways you can become more involved in improving the lives of others in your community, consider making a list of places in and around you that are working for justice or feeding and housing those living in poverty. Contact a local organization to see how you can get involved. Prayerfully consider if God is calling you to this work and ask for the strength to follow through.

Establish your Advent Practice.

Step 1: Set up a space in your home for your Advent readings. Make it comfortable. Add a candle. Perhaps next to your tree or at a table with a little festive placemat.

Step 2: Determine two times of the day when you might practice them so that if you miss the first one, you can lean into the second and not feel guilty.

Step 3: Each time you sit down to practice your Advent devotion, make a warm cup of something and begin with a couple of moments of silence and deep breathing. Close your eyes and breath in deeply the love of God for you. Ask the Spirit to join you. Then begin your readings.

Step 4: Have a little prayer journal nearby where you can list the things that stick with you or stand out to you during your devotion.

Step 5: Close your time with a couple of moments of silent deep breathing, thanking God for the love and grace that are freely given to you that claims you as God’s own.


Advent Art Prayer 16


Advent Art Prayer 14