Advent Art Prayer 28
Holy Lord,
You make straight the way to you. You open the doors, the walls, the windows.
You meet us where we are. You come to us.
This Christmas and every day, you come into our lives.
When we find ourselves in the wilderness, you are there.
When we find ourselves in the joy of life, you are there.
When we find ourselves in the depths of sorrow, you are there.
You remain with us.
You love us. Claim us.
Thank you for coming into our worlds, our wilderness, and making the path straight for us.
Matthew 3:1-6
In those days John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness of Judea, proclaiming, 2 “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”[a] 3 This is the one of whom the prophet Isaiah spoke when he said,
“The voice of one crying out in the wilderness:
‘Prepare the way of the Lord;
make his paths straight.’ ”
4 Now John wore clothing of camel’s hair with a leather belt around his waist, and his food was locusts and wild honey. 5 Then Jerusalem and all Judea and all the region around the Jordan were going out to him, 6 and they were baptized by him in the River Jordan, confessing their sins.
Practice Deeper Listening
You Remain
In our wilderness
You make straight
our path to you
For Deeper Listening
Eat something with honey on it and think about how God meets you in the wilderness.
Establish your Advent Practice.
Step 1: Set up a space in your home for your Advent readings. Make it comfortable. Add a candle. Perhaps next to your tree or at a table with a little festive placemat.
Step 2: Determine two times of the day when you might practice them so that if you miss the first one, you can lean into the second and not feel guilty.
Step 3: Each time you sit down to practice your Advent devotion, make a warm cup of something and begin with a couple of moments of silence and deep breathing. Close your eyes and breath in deeply the love of God for you. Ask the Spirit to join you. Then begin your readings.
Step 4: Have a little prayer journal nearby where you can list the things that stick with you or stand out to you during your devotion.
Step 5: Close your time with a couple of moments of silent deep breathing, thanking God for the love and grace that are freely given to you that claims you as God’s own.